Aspire Appointed a Group of Mining Professionals for Site Survey

Aspire Appointed a Group of Mining Professionals for Site Survey

Aspire International Inc.’s wholly owned subsidiary, Aspire GuangXi Inc., announced that the Company has hired a group of mining experts to do a site survey on the GuangXi FangCheng Pingwang Nawang Manganese mining property.

The GuangXi FangCheng Pingwang Nawang Manganese mining property currently has a mining area of 21.3 KM(2) with daily production capacity of 100 tons. On August 28-29, this group of Canadian mining professionals, including geologist Mr. Duncan Bain, was joined by representatives of the Company for a site visit. This visit included surface observations of exploration, development and mining activities on the NaWang concession and in the district surrounding this concession. The group has taken samples of the mineralized material plus host rock material above and below the ore. This site visit will allow Mr. Bain to write a technical report on the mining property in accordance to the National Instrument 43-101.

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