Grassroots Groups Rally Against New Kansas Coal Plants

Grassroots Groups Rally Against New Kansas Coal Plants

Several grassroots organizations joined together today to protest new coal plants in Kansas. 13′s Lindsay Shively spoke with the groups rallying on the steps of the capitol. Coats and mittens in tow, more than 100 people, young and old, rallied to send the governor a message”¦No more coal. “The earth is in trouble, we’ve got to do what we can.”

They say expanding a plant south of Holcomb, Kansas is a threat to the environment. The plant expansion would make it the largest coal-burning power plant west of the Mississippi. With the cold weather to serve as a reminder of why we need that energy, these people say they need the governor’s help to stop new coal plants from coming to Kansas.

“I think if she has designs on going farther in politics, this is a great time to show some leadership for the 21st century.” In Kansas City for the day, the governor’s office released this statement: “Governor Sebelius is considering all options as we seek to balance energy development and conservation in our state. At this point, we’re still gathering information but Governor Sebelius is looking at all possibilities closely.”

“We are pro-energy and pro-jobs, we just think there’s a better way than the same old dirty coal.” And so they rallied, in hopes of the winds of change. To find more information from some of the rallying groups, you can visit the sierra club’s website at

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